CCI’s Environmental Inspection Group includes a wide variety of specialists that have the experience to find solutions for projects while meeting regulatory and project objectives.

Our multi-disciplined specialists offer a complete range of terrestrial and aquatic inspection services related to clearing, construction and reclamation. Services include monitoring of roads, watercourses, pipelines, transmission lines and related facilities. 

In addition to Environmental Inspectors, CCI has HSE personnel, Traffic Controllers, Damage Prevention Indigenous Construction Monitor Coordinators and Craft Inspectors ready to deploy.

Services include:
  • Ensure all regulatory approvals are in place and that the Environmental Protection Plan (EPP) is implemented
  • Identify and implement site-specific construction measures through an adaptive management approach
  • Ensure that construction contractors are well informed and remain in compliance throughout construction
  • Provide detailed daily environmental reports
  • Provide on-site supervision to ensure planning activities and special recommendations are being followed
  • Provide monitoring services to ensure the proposed and implemented mitigation strategies are effective
  • Drilling fluid reports
  • Environmental performance and construction audits

Kyle Sherwin, B.Sc.

Kyle Sherwin, B.Sc.

VP, Environmental Services

Kyle brings over 20 years of oil and gas industry experience in Canada, including upstream and midstream development and operations in 6 provinces and 1 territory. His experience includes environmental planning and inspection on pipeline projects, federal and provincial regulatory engagement and collaboration, working directly for and engaging with Indigenous Groups during project development, construction and operations of oil and gas projects, stakeholder relations, and cost and schedule management of multiple projects. His experience ranges from hands-on Environmental Inspection to holding senior roles in both Government and Industry seats. Kyle understands that solid leadership and communication is the key to successful project implementation. His current role with CCI has him leading projects and assisting CCI in building on the strengths of their “Pipe 360” model, adding his expertise to the team.

LinkedIn: Kyle Sherwin
Phone: 403-840-0054

Get in Touch with Kyle Sherwin