Track Check

Track-Check Service Tells You Exactly Where Your Pipeline is Built

Track-Check provides real-time, highly accurate measurements of the as-build pipeline alignment following trenchless construction. Complete service offering from equipment supply and operation to drafting and a final certified drawing package.

Leveraging advanced technology, Track Check ensures accurate and reliable pipeline measurements. Our innovative approach utilizes state-of-the-art gyro sensors to provide highly accurate measurements for as built and location verification of trenchless installed pipelines and conduit.

Trenchless Integrity Pipeline System (TIPS)

CCI has offered the TIPS product since 2018. TIPS is a system of protected conduits that are adhered to a pipeline before it is pulled into an HDD borehole. The conduits can then be used to house fiber optic leak detection or communication cables.

What is Track Check?
  • Track Check is an as-built pipe survey system designed to survey the location of pipes installed via trenchless methods.
  • Surveys are completed on pipes after pullback and before tie-ins are completed.
  • A gyroscopicsurveytool is pulledthroughthepipe by winches on eitherside, takingmeasurementsbetweentwoknownpoints at setintervals
  • Data is transmitted in real time to the computer system at surface.
  • Gyroscopic survey tool is manufactured and calibrated by Brownline in the Netherlands.
Track Check Delivers Invaluable Benefits:
  • Real-timedataprovided as tetheredtool is pulledthroughthepipeline
  • Highlyaccurate as-builtdocumentation
  • Pinpointprecisedetection of pipelinelocations
  • Engineering analysis of survey data provided by CCI’s experienced trenchless engineering team.

CCI Offers Track-Check Services to Survey Pipes Installed via HDD or other Trenchless Methods

Track Check Solution
  • Track Check surveys the true location of the pipe after it is installed.
  • Track Check survey is referenced to independent survey coordinates at each end of the pipe.
  • Track check survey provides full 3D data at more frequent intervals along the pipe than compared to typical pilot hole surveys.
  • Higher data resolution allows for a more detailed engineering assessment to be completed on installed pipes.
  • Grid coordinates provided with as-built data that is useable by a wider range of industry.

Download Track Check Brochure

horizontal directional drilling pullback support design for various pipe materials
Publications August 29, 2024

CCI Staff Published in Trenchless Report 2024: HDD - Pullback Support Design for Various Pipe Materials

We are proud to announce that Justin Taylor, PE, VP Engineering at CCI & Associates, and Gunnar Busch, PE, Trenchless Engineering Lead at CCI & Associates, have recently been published in the Trenchless Report magazine
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Exciting Leadership Changes at CCI
General June 5, 2024

Exciting Leadership Changes at CCI

Ken Birkett, Senior VP at CCI Group of Companies has stepped down to retire. In his stead, Jami Taschuk has stepped up as the new Senior Vice President and Stefan Goerz has been promoted as the new Vice President, Geotechnical and Corporate Development.
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Deloitte Best Managed 2024 | CCI Inc.
General May 14, 2024

CCI Inc. Named one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies for 11th Year

CCI Inc. was recognized for its industry-leading performance, its global business practices, and its sustained growth by receiving the prestigious 2023 Canada’s Best Managed Companies award. Celebrating its 30th anniversary, Canada’s Best Managed Companies program awards excellence in private Canadian-owned companies with revenues of $50 million or greater.
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Thrust Force Requirements | Publications | CCI Group of Companies
Publications August 21, 2023

Thrust Force Requirements During Direct Steerable Pipeline Thrusting (DSPT)

The focus of this article is to review the pipe thrusting requirements for small overcut (or annulus) applications. Since the overcut is generally smaller than that of horizontal directional drilling (HDD) there is a concern of friction dominating the total thrust force required for installation or retraction.
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Best Managed 2023 | CCI Inc.
General May 9, 2023

CCI Inc. Named one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies 10th Year in a Row

"As President, I am honored to receive the news that our company has been named one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies for the 10th year in a row." Brent Goerz, President, CCI Inc.
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Kyle Sherwin | CCI Group of Companies
General March 30, 2023

CCI Group of Companies names new VP of Environmental Services

Mr. Kyle Sherwin has been named Vice President of Environmental Services. Along with continued business development initiatives, Kyle will be responsible for overseeing all aspects of CCI Inc. Environmental Services Business Unit including CCI Inc., Geoterra and Rangeland Energy Services.
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Peter Blanchard | Chief Financial Officer | CCI Group of Companies
General January 23, 2023

CCI Group of Companies Announces New CFO

Mr. Peter Blanchard has been named the new Chief Financial Officer for CCI Group of Companies.
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Settlement Analysis | Publications | CCI Group of Companies
Publications May 31, 2022

Never Settle - Importance of Settlement Analysis and Monitoring in Trenchless Design & Construction

A major concern among third party owners when trenchless projects are constructed near their infrastructure is settlement. Settlement of the surface can have detrimental effects on roads, railways, buildings, pipelines or other facilities. In the past trenchless installation methods have been the preferred method of these third party owners to cross beneath their infrastructure because of the less intrusive nature of the construction.
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Going The Distance | Publications | CCI Group of Companies
Publications May 31, 2022

Going The Distance

Installing a pipeline crossing beneath a sensitive resource over a length exceeding 15,000 feet may seem like a dismaying endeavor for the majority of companies. Even in ideal conditions, drilling over 15,000 feet of any diameter hole would be a formidable challenge for even the most experienced HDD driller.
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Canada’s Best Managed Companies | CCI Inc
General May 10, 2022

CCI Inc. Named one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies

CCI Inc. is a 2022 winner of the Canada’s Best Managed Companies Platinum Club designation, having retained its Best Managed designation for seven consecutive years or more.
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Get in Touch with Craig Lenderbeck

For more information on Track Check

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